Friday, August 29, 2008



Back on the summer solstice we decided to hike up to the Hollywood sign. It happened to be a very HOT day but it turned out okay because we started fairly early and the hike wasn't that difficult.
The Hollywood sign is not on Mt Hollywood. Instead it is on Mt Lee on the edge of Griffith Park. By that I mean that the trailhead to hike to the sign is not one of the usual entrances to the park. It wasn't hard to find the trail or the parking. The Gower exit off to 101 takes you there. The hike itself is mainly on a fire road. The uphill is a little strenuous but it isn't really very difficult. (The downhill is easy!)
The view from up there is wonderful because you can see both the ocean and the valley.
It's also quite neat to be standing behind the sign. You can't actually get to the letters (easily) because the is a fence. There are some holes in the fence where you 'could' get down to the letters but I didn't think it was worth the effort to try.

I took pictures all along the way. I think my best one is the accidental picture above.

I learned when I was reading about the hike afterwards that there is a point along the trail where the angle of the view and the topography make it look like the sign is misspelled as "ohllywodo"

As it turns out, I found that spot although I didn't realize it at the time so my shot is a little less than perfect but I think it is neat to see the "O" first and last due to the perspective.

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