Friday, March 02, 2007



Talk about flip-flopping emotions on this blog! I think I have mostly used my blog as a place to talk about things that are happy or that amuse me. I know, I know, once in awhile there has been a rant.
In this post I am going in another direction.
I talked to my mom today and I recently read a family blog about my aunt so my attention has been focused on my family and on my family history. Two of my mother's sisters have died of cancer. Another of her sisters is having cancer treatment right now and my mother was successfully treated for melanoma. I guess I should acknowledge the familial tendancy toward cancer.
Now my worries:
Over the past few months I have noticed some pain in one of my breasts. I had decided that 1) cancer isn't usually painful and 2) I've had similar pain on the other side from time to time so it's probably nothing to worry about. But recently, over the last month, I am having a different sensation in the same breast. I wouldn't call it pain, more like pulling or stretching. I notice it intermittently but especially when the seatbelt pushes against my breast.
Every time I did my self-exam I couldn't really feel anything unusual. My breasts have always been rather lumpy, I couldn't locate a specific bump or sore spot. At first I figured the pulling would go away. It hasn't. Today I did another self-exam and decided that there may be a difference between the lumpiness of the two breasts.
I decided that given my family history I should take this more seriously.
I made an appointment for Wednesday to find out more. I really hope that I am worrying for nothing but I must admit that I am scared.

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